Acqua Sorgente

Take part in the new CAI project too

The Alpine and Apennine territories of Italy are rich in springs. How many are there? Where are they located? What are their temporal variations? Find out how to carry out monitoring, download our App!

What is Acqua Sorgente?

It is the new Participatory Science project of the Italian Alpine Club for the identification, classification and monitoring of water sources found in the mountain environment throughout the national territory.

The objectives of the Source Water Project are:

  • Monitor water sources throughout the national territory by collecting data useful for protection and study.
  • Contribute to awareness and knowledge of water sources and water resources.
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Map and protect

Create a detailed map of Italian springs and monitor their status to study and guarantee their conservation.

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Involve citizens

Citizens can become protagonists of water protection, collecting data and becoming authors of the project, protecting springs and raising awareness of water.

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Collaborate for science

Produce scientific knowledge on water resources through collaboration between experts and citizens.

The project has already monitored more than 600 sources throughout the national territory. The results have already been welcomed with great favor by the scientific community with which various collaborations have been stipulated. Furthermore, the project is already returning knowledge to the territories and communities by participating in dissemination events and projects with schools throughout Italy.

The data that those who participate can collect are varied and it is not mandatory to collect them all!

The minimum data for the monitoring to be valid and entered into the database are:

  • Location of the source.
  • Whether or not there is water at the source.
  • Source photographs.

Simply with a water bottle (or other container) you can add:

  • Estimate of the flow rate (how much water comes out) of the spring.

If you have a portable instrument delivered by the project you can add:

  • Electrical conductivity of the source. This parameter helps us understand how and for how long water interacts with the rocks that contain it underground.
  • Source temperature.

The portable tools are delivered to the CAI Sections upon request (LINK to the FORM) and can be used by Members.

What can you do?

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  • Census and monitor the sources in your territories.
  • Follow the project on the CAI website and social channels.
  • Sign up for the newsletter.
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  • Promote the project with members of your own and other sections.
  • Organize sectional activities aimed at monitoring sources.
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Explore the map of monitored sources

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